Mac上挂载移动硬盘出现"Read-only file system"问题(转)
- 确保移动硬盘链接,查看硬盘挂在的节点,操作如下
diskutil info /Volumes/YOUR_NTFS_DISK_NAME
找到 Device Node
Device Node: /dev/disk1s1
$ diskutil info /Volumes/Elements
Device Identifier: disk2s1
Device Node: /dev/disk2s1
Whole: No
Part of Whole: disk2
Volume Name: Elements
Mounted: Yes
Mount Point: /Volumes/Elements
Partition Type: Microsoft Basic Data
File System Personality: NTFS
Type (Bundle): ntfs
Name (User Visible): Windows NT File System (NTFS)
OS Can Be Installed: No
Media Type: Generic
Protocol: USB
SMART Status: Not Supported
Disk / Partition UUID: F082E054-36E6-419F-A2CD-5B9A82576C4F
Disk Size: 1.0 TB (1000168488960 Bytes) (exactly 1953454080 512-Byte-Units)
Device Block Size: 512 Bytes
Volume Total Space: 1.0 TB (1000168484864 Bytes) (exactly 1953454072 512-Byte-Units)
Volume Used Space: 424.7 GB (424701173760 Bytes) (exactly 829494480 512-Byte-Units) (42.5%)
Volume Available Space: 575.5 GB (575467311104 Bytes) (exactly 1123959592 512-Byte-Units) (57.5%)
Allocation Block Size: 4096 Bytes
Read-Only Media: No
Read-Only Volume: Yes
Device Location: External
Removable Media: Fixed
Device Node: /dev/disk2s1
- 然后将硬盘弹出,但是不要拔掉移动硬盘连接,操作如下
hdiutil eject /Volumes/YOUR_NTFS_DISK_NAME
$ hdiutil eject /Volumes/MYHD/
"disk2" unmounted.
"disk2" ejected.
- 创建一个目录,稍后将mount到这个目录
sudo mkdir /Volumes/MYHD
- 将NTFS硬盘 挂载 mount 到mac
sudo mount_ntfs -o rw,nobrowse /dev/disk2s1 /Volumes/MYHD/
cp ~/Movies/小XXX黄XXX片.mp4 /Volumes/MYHD/xx/xxx/